Ksi Lisims LNG's Project Update

Release Date

(GITLAXT’AAMIKS, B.C./ VANCOUVER, B.C./ HOUSTON, TX,) -- The Nisga’a Nation, Rockies LNG and Western LNG today announced the filing of the Initial Project Description for the Ksi Lisims LNG project with the Government of British Columbia and the Government of Canada.

(GITLAXT’AAMIKS, B.C./ VANCOUVER, B.C./ HOUSTON, TX,) -- The Nisga’a Nation, Rockies LNG and Western LNG are pleased to announce the Ksi Lisims LNG Detailed Project Description (DPD) has been filed and posted by the BC Environmental Assessment Office. The DPD provides the necessary information for Regulators to confirm the project is ready to commence the Environmental Assessment application process. An LNG Export License application for the project has also been submitted to the Canada Energy Regulator.

Ksi Lisims LNG (pronounced s’lisims), meaning “from the Nass River” in the Nisga’a language, is a proposed net-zero liquefied natural gas (LNG) project at Wil Milit on the northern tip of Pearse Island near the Nisga’a village of Gingolx. It will produce clean, reliable and affordable energy for export to Asia-Pacific markets transitioning away from higher emissions sources.


Since filing the Initial Project Description in July 2021, the project proponents have undertaken early engagement with Indigenous Nations, government and regulatory officials, community leaders, and the public to solicit feedback and identify potential interests associated with the project. The resulting DPD reflects the commitment of Ksi Lisims LNG to ongoing consultation and incorporates meaningful input from various participants on how the project can maximize its benefit to Canadians and minimize impact on the environment and nearby communities.


Ksi Lisims LNG is a unique project between the Nisga’a Nation and a group of Canadian natural gas producers known as Rockies LNG, along with Western LNG, a North American leader in developing innovative LNG export facilities to help meet growing global demand for secure low-carbon energy. The project’s innovative floating design will use clean BC hydroelectricity to convert natural gas for export, creating thousands of jobs and training opportunities across British Columbia, Alberta and Canada. 


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About the Project Proponents

The Nisga’a Nation is a self-governing, modern treaty Nation with significant, defined control of and rights over their lands. The Nisga’a Nation’s sites are ideally situated along the west coast of Canada with direct access to overseas markets, close proximity to approved natural gas pipeline routes and prime locations for the development of LNG projects.


Rockies LNG Partners is a limited partnership comprised of Canadian natural gas producers formed to advance LNG market access opportunities on the west coast of British Columbia. Rockies LNG’s partners collectively produce approximately 20% of Canada’s natural gas and are committed to responsible development of Canadian natural gas resources.


Western LNG is a Houston, Texas-based company engaged in the development of North American LNG export facilities with a management team experienced in the development of LNG and related energy infrastructure industries.
